Custom Tours
In addition to the popular categories of tours that we’ve provided icons for, you can name your own custom ones, too, such as Young Curators, for example.
Contributions from schools and community voices could potentially be recorded on a smartphone, and then edited using freely available software, such as Audacity. You can store the files on SoundCloud free of charge, and anyone can stream them to their phone with the Smartphonic AXS app (free download). The cost of setting up a trigger mechanism to do this in your museum is fifteen pence per exhibit, so a tour of 10-15 objects would cost around £2.
Our hope is that Smartphonic will help museums to feel empowered to create their own audio-described tours. Volunteers can gain hands-on digital experience and learn new skills, such as interviewing local artists.
You can register your location with us for a single payment of £500 and we’ll customise the app with your choice of branding and the names of the tours that you want. It’s just like having a Facebook or Twitter account – the content is all yours to share.