What is ATbar?
This website uses a free tool created by the Accessibility Team at the University of Southampton.
When active, the Accessibility Toolbar (ATbar) remains positioned across the top of a webpage. It allows visitors to choose the way that they interact with your interpretation. For example, using their preferred font, or changing a display’s background colour. It’s easy to install ATbar, and you can even add it to individual HTML pages without affecting the rest of your website.
This means that with Smartphonic AXS, you can make all the written content in your gallery more accessible to visitors using their own tablets and devices at no additional cost – that’s all the exhibit labels, all the art panels, all the programme brochures and leaflets.
To launch the ATbar, just click on the icon of a person with their arms outstretched (there’s one near the top right-hand corner of every page on this website).
Microsoft have now integrated their dictation software into Windows 10. You can toggle Dictate on/off by holding down the Windows button and pressing ‘H’. Give it a go when you visit our Contact Us page.
On a Mac operating system, choose Apple, System Preferences, then ‘Universal Access’ (look for the person with their arms outstretched).
BBC Guides
In addition to the ATbar, there are a number of other ways that you can make this site easier to read in your browser. Here are some links to the BBC’s guide to web accessibility: